
Project update - September 2024

12 September 2024

Work will begin in mid-September on the next stages of the East Ivanhoe streetscape upgrade.

You may have noticed the digital sign boards on Lower Heidelberg Road letting you know that the work is coming up.

We’re aiming to complete as much of the side street work as possible during the school holidays to minimise disruption to pedestrians around the school.

September – October

Carmichael Street

  • Updated footpath and kerb on each side at the intersection with Lower Heidelberg Road.
  • New speed hump and zebra crossing.

Wilfred Road

  • Update the footpath corners at the intersection with Lower Heidelberg Road.
  • New raised crossing.
Warncliffe Road
  • New pedestrian refuge island.
Burton Crescent
  • New raised crossing.

There will be some disruption as we undertake the upgrade works, and we thank you for your patience while we are building a better East Ivanhoe Shopping Village. Pedestrian access will be maintained as much as possible except during the brief periods when new path sections are being laid.

Extreme weather and unforeseen circumstances can impact on construction timelines, but we’ll let you know if there are any big changes to the schedule.

We thank you for your patience as we build a better East Ivanhoe shopping village streetscape.