
There's a lot happening in Greensborough including a number of major transport projects that will impact the area in the near future. These projects also provide exciting opportunities for improving Greensborough in the long term.

Major planned projects include:

  • M80 Ring Road Upgrade – Plenty Road to Greensborough Highway
  • Hurstbridge Railway Line Stage 2 – Duplication from Greensborough to Eltham
  • North East Link Road Project - more information at shaping.banyule.vic.gov.au/northeastlink

Planning for Advocacy

We have developed the Greensborough Transport Masterplan to establish a series of key advocacy priorities that will help improve Greensborough. The proposals will help deliver transport improvements in with Council's Intergrated Transport Plan. We are currently using the recommendations of the Greensborough Transport Masterplan to make the most of the opportunities afforded by the large transport infrastructure projects in our region.

Advocacy Opportunities

1. M80 Metropolitan Ring Road

  • Improved access to M80 will reduce queues on Greensborough Highway.
  • Additional measures to ensure through traffic has easy access to Greensborough Highway and reduces congestion within the Greensborough activity centre.
  • Improve local access to the Greensborough activity centre making it easier for people to shop and visit.

2. Hurstbridge Railway Line Stage 2

  • Duplication of the line from Greensborough to Eltham.
  • Ensure a new fully serviced integrated public transport interchange at Greensborough Rail Station.
  • Increased frequency of rail services on the Hurstbridge Rail Line.
  • Improve existing bus routes into and around the activity centre.

3. North East Link

  • Improve strategic cycling corridors connecting to Greensborough activity centre and complete the Northern Regional Trails Strategy.
  • Improve pedestrian routes to public transport services and in Greensborough generally.
  • Improve through transport routes improving access to parking in Greensborough.