Project update
Thank you if you contributed to the masterplan! We are busy working on delivering actions associated with the plan, the first being the accessible park circuit of the lake.
A masterplan for Kalparrin Gardens
Throughout 2016 the masterplan for Kalparrin Gardens was developed with input from community.
The masterplan was adopted in January 2017 and is being used to deliver improvements at the park over the next 10 years including:
- the creation of a lake front picnic and playspace social hub
- improved path access
- refreshed park facilities.
The Kalparrin Gardens masterplan is a high level concept plan. Several areas of the masterplan require details to be worked out before improvements can be made.
The picnic and playspace area is an area where details are necessary before work can be budgeted and carried out.
This is the fun part, bringing ideas to life to make this area a reality for all users of Kalparrin Gardens.
Kalparrin Gardens is a large parcel of open space in Banyule's central north in Greensborough. It is one of a series of important community parks, which together form a significant linear parkland, within the Plenty River corridor. Also included in this series of parks are Partington Flat Reserve, Greensborough Park, Whatmough Park, Yando Street River Reserve and Plenty River Drive Reserve. All these Reserves are connected via the Plenty River Trail and together they perform an important regional function.
The masterplan is a high-level, long-term document developed with the community, outlining the vision for Kalparrin Gardens and setting out objectives, strategies and guidelines to achieve this vision. It will enable the park to be developed in line with a well considered plan which has broad community support for a park where people go to relax, exercise, play and have fun and meet with others.
Kalparrin Gardens is a park well-loved by all, but a little tired. It has great potential given the proxmity to the Plenty river corridor, natural features such as flora and fauna, unique topography and lake. The masterplan intent is to incorporate facilities that encourage recreation throughout the park. Improved path connections, picnic and barbecue facilities and play features will create a welcoming atmosphere with activities to encourage visitors to stay and experience this great Greensborough park.
What's next?
After collecting and reviewing all the ideas and feedback received, a range of recommendations were developed. We also took into consideration the project budget, the hierarchy of the park and playspace and the challenges of the site.
The recommendations were used to prepare a concept design.
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