Local impacts
We are looking to minimise the impacts on the local community during construction and once the North East Link is completed.
Our priorities are to:
- retain local traffic and bus connections across the North East Link
- ensure the North East Link section along the existing Greensborough Highway corridor is toll free.
Most major infrastructure projects require the responsible authority to prepare an Environmental Effects Statement (EES) that addresses ways the project might impact the environment.
The Victorian Government has released its draft Scoping Requirements for the Environmental Effects Statement outlining issues that need to addressed.
NELA has appointed 18 consultants to develop an EES on the North East Link project. A technical reference group made up of councils -- including Banyule Council -- government agencies and NELA is contributing at monthly (and recently weekly) meetings.
We are providing feedback on the draft EES being prepared by NELA looking at:
- transport capacity, connections and traffic management
- health and environmental quality
- social, business, land use and infrastructure
- landscape, visual and recreational values
- habitat and biodiversity
- cultural heritage
- land stability
- waste management (catchment values and greenhouse gases).
How you can get involved
Community workshops focusing on walking, cycling, urban design and environment have already occurred. Upcoming workshops will provide more opportunities to get involved.