About our toilets

How many toilets are there? What condition are they in? We've completed an audit of all the toilets in Banyule and have some key facts and stats about toilets that will assist our planning.

View a summary of key information using the tabs below or read the Issues and Opportunities Paper for more detail.

We've broken up the information into 4 key themes and include a principle for each area to give an idea of how future provision could be managed.


Principle: Public toilets in the City of Banyule should be distributed in an efficient way to ensure convenient and equitable access.


Principle: The replacement, refurbishment or addition of a new public toilet facility will meet best practice design and siting principles.


Principle: Council aspires to be an inclusive and accessible community for all residents, workers and visitors. We will work towards ensuring all public toilet facilities are accessible and meet the needs of the community. We will strive to achieve DDA compliance across all facilities and toilet types over time.


Principle: The safety, security, health and wellbeing of the Banyule Community is paramount in Council’s decision making considerations. The health and safety of the community should be prioritised over other considerations.