Key Urban Design Strategies
- Re-design of Morwell carpark to allow for a wide pedestrian connection to RSL and shared path through all areas and activities. Morwell Ave side is the main square space.
- Maximization of Morwell pedestrian spaces, inclusive of open/gathering and active areas. North-South connection through shopping strip.
- Library extension inclusive of learning areas, sensory garden and an open plaza to allow for pop up markets / book sales / story walks etc.
- South Library area to include seating areas within existing significant vegetation and additional planting. Use of topography for play and extension of carparking.
Key Traffic Changes
- Morwell Ave. is consolidated to an undivided carriage way at the north side.
- Few changes from a traffic perspective, with existing road network connections largely maintained.
- Roundabout at Watsonia Road / Morwell Avenue / Grace Street / Ibbottson Street intersection still results a number of intersections, pedestrians would need to cross, however raising the roundabout would help improve pedestrian safety.
- Grace Street west leg of the Watsonia Road / Morwell Avenue / Grace Street / Ibbottson Street intersection needs to be realigned slightly, interfacing with the circulating carriageway rather than the Watsonia Road south leg for better traffic outcomes.
View the concept plan for design 1 without hotspots.