New Plan
Our new Arts & Culture Strategic Plan
We are thrilled to present our Arts and Culture Strategic Plan 2017 - 2021 that sets out our plan to support arts and culture in Banyule.
Banyule has a rich cultural heritage that we are so proud of and the purpose of our Plan is to;
- Assert Banyule Council’s commitment to the contribution the arts make to a dynamic, healthy and sustainable society.
- Express the essential role of cultural vitality in planning for Banyule’s future.
- Highlight and celebrate the Banyule community’s arts and cultural strengths and assets.
- Inspire and motivate Banyule’s people and organisations to build on these strengths and assets to increase the resilience, wellbeing and cultural vitality of the community.
- Create and communicate a framework which drives Banyule’s arts and cultural program towards delivering cultural outcomes.
- Make explicit the relationship between delivering cultural outcomes and the vision of the Council Plan.
Read the full Plan here or view our first year action plan here.
Important Stuff - Goals & Themes
Our Plan is based around two simple but really important goals and four strategic themes.
- Goal One – People are engaged in meaningful and culturally vital lives
- Goal Two – A connected, inclusive and involved community
Strategic Themes
The Plan lays out more detail about these goals and themes and shows how we will work towards improving arts and cultural outcomes over the next four years.

Your feedback!
Throughout March and April we spoke with a range of people about their ideas for arts and cultural opportunities in Banyule.
Some of the ways we engaged with people included;
- Conversations at our Twilight Sounds / Kids Arty Farty Fest events
- 4 Community Forums as part of developing the new Council Plan
- Regular Meetings wth our Arts and Cultural Advisory Group
- Meetings with local community groups organisations representing different communities
- Promotion of our online survey at pop up events across Banyule
How many people did we hear from?
During the first stage of our consultation:
- 81 survey responses
- 19 online comments (not counting reactions to comments)
- 90 people across 4 community forums
- Plus numerous conversations at workshops and pop ups
We then ran 3 issues and opportunities workshops with local artists and organisations working in the arts:
- We had 46 attendees come to our Arts Plan Summit and
- 6 attendees from our Neighbourhood Houses & Libraries
What we heard...
The key themes to emerge from our engagement were;
- Facilities - lack of affordable spaces i.e. studio space, rehearsal space,
- Communication and Marketing - awareness of Council and community arts and cultural program/events.
- Support creative practice - professional development, funding and grants
- Participation and Partnerships - increased cultural outcomes through providing networking opportunities, program delivery through partners