The Plans have been endorsed as follows:

  • 11 November 2024 - Council endorsed a plan for a new park at 12 Forster Street. The Plan was modified in accordance with a Council resolution from 15 July 2024, to support the retention of several paperbark trees.
  • 15 November 2024 - The Minister for Planning approved a development plan (DP) for a new housing development at 421 Upper Heidelberg Road. This plan was originally presented to Council on 15 July 2024 and includes community feedback from earlier engagement in April-May 2024.

At the Council meeting on Monday 24 March 2025, an officer report will formally inform Council of the endorsement of both plans. The report provides a copy of the plans and an endorsement summary. To view the Council Meeting agenda and papers, go to Council's website.

Endorsed plans

Drawings of the proposed development and feedback received during Stage 1 and Stage 2 Community Engagement can be found below.

Stage 2 engagement

From 8 April to 10 May 2024, we asked the community for their feedback on the draft Plans for redevelopment of the Ivanhoe Water Tank site, including:

  • a draft Development Plan for a residential complex for the majority of the site, which is owned by Development Victoria
  • a draft concept plan for a local Council park on the balance of the site, which is owned by the City of Banyule.

49 people provided feedback through an online survey and further feedback was received from in-person community information sessions conducted on site.

Following the review of feedback, a report presented to Council at their meeting on 15 July 2024 considered the following:

  • The Council park proposal has been increased from 978 to 2081 square metres.
  • Tree removal cannot be avoided, but has been minimised and additional planting will occur, including for the significantly larger park.
  • The suggestions for additional facilities for the park can’t be met given the size of the park and it's characterisation of 'local park'. Council is considering future options to support a public toilet on the ground floor of the apartment development.
  • The apartment development has been designed to minimise visual impact on adjacent residential properties. The development has been restricted to three storeys, at is closest point with residential properties.
  • Traffic congestion will be minimised on local roads by only allowing vehicle entry and exit to the building from Upper Heidelberg Road. Resident parking will be provided on-site (in a basement) and Forster Street is proposed to remain closed at the eastern end.
  • The proposed residential development will exceed the amount of affordable housing required, as the DPO7 requires up to 10% and the plan proposes a minimum of 10%.
  • Community frustration with on-going construction in this area has been noted and is being discussed with Development Victoria and relevant Council teams for consideration when preparing and assessing a Construction Management Plan.

Council’s resolution on considering feedback to the draft plans was that Council:

  1. Notes the submissions received from the community engagement process that was undertaken regarding the development of the Ivanhoe Water tank as detailed in this report and Attachment 5.
  2. Notes the revision and updates made to the exhibited Development Plan for a Residential Development at 421 Upper Heidelberg Road, Ivanhoe and the draft Concept Plan for a local Council park, as outlined in Attachment 4.
  3. Approves the Development Plan, comprising Attachment 1 (Development Plan - 421 Upper Heidelberg Road, Ivanhoe - July 2024) and the associated technical reports listed in Attachment 2 seeking to incorporate additional affordable housing provision to a minimum of 15%)
  4. Approves the Park Concept Design for a local park at 12 Forster Street, Ivanhoe - July 2024, as provided in Attachment 3 with an amendment to strongly encourage the retention of the six (6) paperbark trees along Forster Street setback.
  5. Notifies submitters that participated in the community engagement process of Council's resolution, and thank them for their contribution and feedback.

    For further details, view a summary of written responses to the Plans for the Ivanhoe Water Tank site (Item 6.2, page 118 - 162)

    Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the draft Plans for redevelopment of the Ivanhoe Water Tank site.

    Stage 1 engagement

    What you told us

    From 17 July to 7 August 2023 we asked the community about preferred design elements of the new playground. 150 people provided feedback through an online survey and two community pop-up sessions.

    View the full consultation report or take a look below at a summary of what we heard below.

    Top 3 most requested park features

    All park feature options in the predetermined list were appropriate for a 'local park'.

    A number of community requests have not been provided due to the limited size and slope of the park and potential adverse impacts on adjacent residential properties.

    View the draft Council park key ideas.

    • 31% of participants requested a small shelter

      The park design allows for significant areas of indigenous garden bed plantings as well as substantial taller trees. This excellent canopy of trees will provide shade during the summer and help to reduce the urban heat island effect.

      Shading should also be provided in the form of an awning or portico projecting from the residential building. This is to provide weather protection and an appropriate transition between the built form and the park.

    • 17% of participants requested a half court

      There has been a focus on the central lawn as a flexible activity space that can accommodate a wide variety of activities. A half court has not been included due to potential conflicts (e.g. excessive noise) that may adversely impact adjacent residential properties (including the development).

    • 15% of participants requested irrigated open grassed area

      The design has focused on the central lawn as a permeable, green and flexible activity space that can accommodate a wide variety of activities while avoiding excessive amounts of hard pavement. The intention is to provide enough ‘flexible’ open grassed areas and to not ‘fill’ the park with too many elements.

    Top voted playground style

    • 65% of participants strongly supported nature play elements

      The provision of substantial areas of garden bed allows for the integration of nature based play opportunities within the overall park design, including rock stepping stones, tree logs for climbing and planting that can provide materials for play.


    The Ivanhoe Water Tank Site is located near the Austin Hospital, on the corner of Bell Street and Upper Heidelberg Road. The existing water tank has not been in use since 2004.

    The Site will be redeveloped by Development Victoria, the Victorian Government's property developer, to provide a residential development and a new Council park.

    A concept plan for development of the park and a Development Plan for the residential development have been endorsed. For further details refer to the Council Meeting papers for the 24 March 2025.

    Council park

    About the park

    Approximately 2,000 square meters of the former water tank site has been set aside for the new Council Park. Development Victoria is working with Council, Traditional Owners and the community to bring the park to life.

    With the existing playground nearing the end of its life, a unique opportunity exists to design a new park which meets the community’s needs and provides ease of access and connectivity – one of Council’s key open space goals.

    The current park sits between Forster Street and Upper Heidelberg Road, Ivanhoe. It contains a small playground that is well used by local families. This park is classified as a local park, as outlined in the open space classifications of our Public Open Space Plan 2016 - 2031.

    Local Parks are usually small playgrounds designed to cater for residents living within 400 metres. These playgrounds include one to two items of play equipment for a limited number of age groups. Local Parks are usually only used by residents from nearby streets who would normally access the park by foot or bike.

    A concept plan for the park has been developed and approved after considering feedback from two rounds of community engagement.

    View a copy of the approved concept plan.

    The residential development

    The remainder of the Ivanhoe Water Tank site will be used to deliver a residential development.

    A planning provision was placed in the Banyule Planning Scheme by the State Government in 2018, which guides planning for the residential development including but not limited to:

    • building heights
    • location of the building
    • vehicle access to the site
    • provision of affordable housing.

    This provision is Schedule 7 to the Development Plan Overlay (DPO7).

    The DPO7 requires a Development Plan (DP) to be prepared and approved for the residential development. In November 2024, the Minister approved the Development Plan (DP) for the residential development. The steps leading to this, including public engagement on a draft plan by Council in early 2024, are explained in the report to the Council meeting on 24 March 2025.
    Visit Ivanhoe - Development Victoria for a DP Summary presentation and frequently asked questions.