Mid Precinct site recommendations

Warringal Parklands, 2 Beverley Road, Heidelberg

It is an excellent location for active sports facilities, such as parkour, pump track, skatepark and social/hangout space. It is also suitable for bike jump facilities.

Rosanna Parklands, Rosanna

An excellent site for all young people: local pre-teens/early teens, teens and young adults. This site is suitable for pump tracks, adventure play, social play and casual and informal sports opportunities.

View the site map and overview for Mid Precinct.

Additional site recommendations 800m from Heidelberg Station

Fred Lasslett Reserve

This is a great meeting point, pause point, and a place to stay and occupy. And it has great potential to become a better play space for all age groups. Given the existing skate-related context, future elements could consider upgrading the existing skate features, informal parkour elements (which could be used as seats and street furniture), and an art exhibition space.

Burgundy Street, under the bridge

This space could be designed to accommodate more functions for young people. A great spot to rest, hang out or wait for friends. Whilst the existing infrastructure could remain, such as the retaining walls, plantings, etc., some additional elements could add value and increase the space’s overall function and recreational value. Incidental recreational and urban space are often enjoyed and occupied by teens and young adults at different times of the day. Future facilities for young people should consider: shade structure, informal seats and tables and installations for outdoor art displays.

View the site map and overview for the train station 800m radius assessment - Heidelberg Station

Additional site recommendations 800m from Rosanna Station

Rosanna Library, pocket in front of library entrance

This site has great access to all amenities: including toilets and drinking water, and is very close to food shops and retails. It has great potential to become a better urban pocket for young people to socialise, interact and play

Rosanna Parklands, Lower Plenty Road under the railway bridge

This site is a great urban incidental place with so much to offer. Located right across the train station and the pedestrian crossing, this site is highly visible from the main street. Information seats and plantings are found on site. The vertical structure of the bridge offers some of the best opportunities for outdoor art exhibitions, and it could also be integrated with climbing and parkour elements for young people to enjoy.

Rosanna Train Station Car Park, a fence empty lot in the south carpark

The size of the empty lot is generous, and the land is flat, which could be developed cost-effectively for future youth facilities. Elements to consider: Multi-sports courts, Social and hangout spaces, urban skateable elements.

View the site map and overview for the train station 800m radius assessment - Rosanna Station

Thank you for your feedback on the proposed locations for the Mid Precinct.

We asked you what will work and if we had missed anything! We were also keen to hear what you think makes a great outdoor space for young people.

Feedback is now closed.
